Sunday, February 19, 2012

The newness has worn off...

The excitment has worn off. The chore of planning and prep and copies and planning and more prep and more copies.......well...its worn me out!

The Solution:
I'm getting even more organized.
I'm ordering all the complete curriculum I've been eyeing.
I'm trying to plan at least a week ahead.
I'm learning to chill out and try to not push so hard.

I don't regret starting homeschool. I knew it would be hard at times. Just waiting for my slump to pass so I can move into another homeschool high!!!!
Hopefully the new curriculum will be all I need :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!

Week 2 of home school and we are fired up!
I am so EXCITED!!!!
I'm excited when new books come in the mail.
I'm excited to plan.
I'm excited to make copies. (obsessed much?!)
I'm excited to start each new day.
I'm excited to watch Moose fly threw the lessons she already knows.
I'm excited to see my Moose learn new things.
I'm excited to share it with our family at the end of the day.
I'm excited to see her progress.

I know this high will not last. I'm expecting it to get hard. I know that it will get hard and frustrating and I'm probably gonna feel like giving up. But for now I'm enjoying the good :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.

Today is day 2 of homeschool for us. So far so good.... We had a few interruptions today but that is something we will have to get used to as that is the story of my life. You see, not only am I homeschooling my youngest daughter, I also run an in home daycare. For my daycare I transport 3 4-year old boys to half day school, (2 in the morning 1 in the afternoon) I keep a 1-year old boy all day and my oldest daughter is in public school. Have I lost my mind? Maybe......

As of day 2....
1. I'm sure this was the right decision for my Moose.
2. I understand the loss of socialization concern so many have. There is no way to make up for the day to day interaction she would get in public school. In fact as she ate lunch today I felt a little sad for her knowing that normally at lunch she would be chatting it up with her friends. But since I am very conscious of the socialization lost, I will be purposeful when I involve her in activities that allow her to interact with peers. I don't think it's going to be a big loss in the long run.
3. I'm positive it's going to be long week :)